One of the biggest sacrifices to travelling or even relocating abroad is missing a special occasion, whether is Birthdays, Weddings or Anniversaries. You’re often faced with the difficult decision, and in my opinion nothing should get in the way of the trip of a lifetime, or a dream re-location. So what can you do about it? Well, when I first travelled a few years ago, I missed my sisters 30th birthday. I really didn’t want to, but her wedding was a few months prior so it was her birthday or wedding, I couldn’t do both. So what do you do? Here’s one idea…

About four weeks prior to her birthday, I bought a whiteboard and wrote a birthday message on it, with the sole aim to get this board in as many ridiculous places, well-known landmarks or random people across Malaysia! I’d then put them on facebook on the day of her birthday. Here’s some of the best ones.


The Langkawi Cable Car Viewpoint

The Andaman – A Luxury Collection Resort! (That I snuck into)


This looked a lot shallower from the beach, I had no idea it would be such a mission! But it was worth it in the end.

Where’s Wally!? Can you find me?

Kuala Lumpur

The Petronas Towers (possibly my favourite shot)


All that was left to do was upload them to Facebook, tag my sister and Skype home to wish her a happy birthday! They say it’s the thought that counts! What do you think? Have you missed a special occasion and done something a little out of the ordinary? I’d love to hear about it in the Comments section below.

0 thoughts on “Missing a Special Occasion whilst Travelling? Try this idea…

  1. Kirsty says:

    What a great idea! I have sent pictures of me holding Happy Birthday banners home before, but I love the idea of taking the same one to so many different places.Your sister must have found it hilarious!

  2. Emma says:

    What a brilliant idea! Your sister must have been so happy! The thought of missing a special occasion back at home is hard when you’re travelling but making a special effort like this means the world to those back at home! And you can be celebrating in your own way 🙂

  3. Francesca One Girl: One World says:

    What a cute idea!! I’m sure she was touched! I’ve missed so many birthdays and never thought to do something like this. Definitely keeping it in mind for the future!

    You should share it on Buzzfeed or something like that, I’m sure it will get a lot of attention!

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